1 Chestnut Street
Suite 222
Nashua, NH 03060
Ph - 603.882.3997
Fx - 603.386.6197
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Some of our clients’ orders are sufficiently large to be shipped on pallets via common carriers. A few of these clients have experienced problems where a portion of a shipment is damaged in transit, or is separated from the rest of the shipment and becomes lost (i.e., a carton(s) is inadvertently removed from the pallet by the carrier, and does not get delivered to the ordering customer). Our client needs strong supporting evidence of what was shipped, and the condition the freight was in when it left our facility, when they file a freight claim with the carrier.
For these clients, we take a digital photograph of each pallet that we ship via common carrier, and we post these photographs on a secure FTP site where our client can retrieve the photographs. They can use these photographs to prove the condition of the freight when it left our facility should they need to file a freight claim. In addition, some of our clients forward these photographs to the ordering customer, encouraging them to compare the arriving freight to the photograph as a means of ensuring the integrity and completeness of the delivery.
Do you need help with a distribution problem? Contact us, and we will work with you to find a solution for your problem.
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